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Dental implants
Risks and complications

Last Updated: 10.01.2024

Author: George Ghidrai, MD  

Even though enormous technical advances have significantly improved the quality of dental treatments, accidents and complications may still occur, and it is vital to be aware of this.

The placement of dental implants is a surgical procedure and carries the usual risks of surgery. Other complications may occur in the first 6 months after the placement and even in the long-term.

1. Risks and complications during implant surgery

Placement of dental implants is a surgical procedure and carries the usual risks of surgery. If additional surgical procedures are performed (sinus lift, bone graft, etc.), they also have the normal risks.

However, the risk of complications is considered to be very low - less than 5 percent, according to current statistics. Problems are rare, and when they do occur, they are usually minor and easily treated.

2. Risks and complications in the first 6 months

These complications occur in the first 6 months after implant placement. The most common complication is the failure to integrate.

3. Long term complications

Long-term implant failures may be caused by an improper design of the prosthetic restoration or by inappropriate care and maintenance. Regardless of the cause, implants fail due to either loss of bone around them or a mechanical failure of the implant.

There are also the risks associated with the prosthetic components, which, over time, can wear off, chip, break, or cause a lack of satisfaction on the part of the patient.

Patients who wear implant-supported prostheses should ideally be free of pain or any other unpleasant signs, able to chew and taste, and pleased with the aesthetics.

Implants should be tested at least twice a year during regular checkups. Criteria for the success are:

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